Emergent Mind

Sequence Transduction with Recurrent Neural Networks

Published Nov 14, 2012 in cs.NE , cs.LG , and stat.ML


Many machine learning tasks can be expressed as the transformationor \emph{transduction}of input sequences into output sequences: speech recognition, machine translation, protein secondary structure prediction and text-to-speech to name but a few. One of the key challenges in sequence transduction is learning to represent both the input and output sequences in a way that is invariant to sequential distortions such as shrinking, stretching and translating. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are a powerful sequence learning architecture that has proven capable of learning such representations. However RNNs traditionally require a pre-defined alignment between the input and output sequences to perform transduction. This is a severe limitation since \emph{finding} the alignment is the most difficult aspect of many sequence transduction problems. Indeed, even determining the length of the output sequence is often challenging. This paper introduces an end-to-end, probabilistic sequence transduction system, based entirely on RNNs, that is in principle able to transform any input sequence into any finite, discrete output sequence. Experimental results for phoneme recognition are provided on the TIMIT speech corpus.


  • The paper introduces a novel RNN-based transduction system that eliminates the need for pre-defined alignments between input and output sequences.

  • The approach extends Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) by including output-output dependencies, enhancing its modeling capabilities.

  • Experimental results on the TIMIT dataset demonstrate the system's effectiveness, achieving a competitive phoneme error rate of 23.2%.

Overview of the Paper "Sequence Transduction with Recurrent Neural Networks"

The paper "Sequence Transduction with Recurrent Neural Networks" authored by Alex Graves presents a novel approach to sequence transduction problems using Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs). This work addresses the challenge of transforming input sequences into output sequences without the requirement for pre-defined alignments, which is a notable limitation of traditional RNNs.

Key Contributions

There are several key contributions in this paper:

  1. Introduction of an RNN-based Transduction System: This transduction system eliminates the necessity for pre-defined alignments between input and output sequences. The approach is end-to-end and probabilistic, theoretically capable of mapping any input sequence to any finite discrete output sequence.
  2. Extension of Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC): The paper extends CTC by including not only input-output dependencies but also output-output dependencies, which CTC does not explicitly model.
  3. Experimental Validation: The paper demonstrates the efficacy of the proposed system through experiments on the TIMIT speech corpus, focusing on the problem of phoneme recognition.


The methodology centers around a transduction system comprised of two distinct RNNs: a transcription network and a prediction network.

  • Transcription Network: This network processes the input sequence and produces a sequence of transcription vectors. It is a bidirectional RNN, which allows each output vector to depend on the entire input sequence.
  • Prediction Network: This network processes the output sequence and produces a sequence of prediction vectors. It is an RNN that models the conditional probabilities of each output step.
  • Probability Distribution: The transducer defines a conditional distribution over all possible alignments of input-output sequences through a joint probability model determined by both transcription and prediction vectors.


The results on the TIMIT dataset show that the proposed RNN transducer achieves a phoneme error rate of 23.2%, which is competitive with other state-of-the-art phoneme recognition systems. The separate contributions of the transcription and prediction networks are analyzed, demonstrating the synergy between the two within the transduction framework.

Numerical Outcomes

  • Log-Loss: The log-loss on the test set was converted into the average number of bits per phoneme, indicating efficient encoding.
  • Error Rate: The transduction system achieved a phoneme error rate of 23.2%, outperforming the standalone CTC network’s 25.5% error rate.

Implications and Future Directions

The implications of this research extend to various domains requiring sequence transduction, including speech recognition, machine translation, and text-to-speech. The ability to handle sequences of variable length without pre-defined alignments could significantly enhance the performance and generality of sequence learning tasks.

In future work, the authors aim to apply the transducer to larger-scale speech and handwriting recognition datasets. Further exploration is suggested in areas such as text-to-speech and machine translation, where the alignment complexity between input and output sequences is notably high.


The "Sequence Transduction with Recurrent Neural Networks" paper presents substantial advancements in handling sequence transduction tasks using RNN-based approaches. By mitigating the need for pre-defined alignments and modeling both input-output and output-output dependencies, the proposed system sets a foundation for more flexible and robust sequence learning models. The experimental evidence underscores the potential of this approach in improving phoneme recognition and paves the way for future investigations in broader applications.

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