Emergent Mind

New constructions of RIP matrices with fast multiplication and fewer rows

Published Nov 5, 2012 in cs.DS , cs.IT , math.IT , and math.PR


In compressed sensing, the "restricted isometry property" (RIP) is a sufficient condition for the efficient reconstruction of a nearly k-sparse vector x in Cd from m linear measurements Phi x. It is desirable for m to be small, and for Phi to support fast matrix-vector multiplication. In this work, we give a randomized construction of RIP matrices Phi in C{m x d}, preserving the L_2 norms of all k-sparse vectors with distortion 1+eps, where the matrix-vector multiply Phi x can be computed in nearly linear time. The number of rows m is on the order of eps{-2}klog dlog2(klog d). Previous analyses of constructions of RIP matrices supporting fast matrix-vector multiplies, such as the sampled discrete Fourier matrix, required m to be larger by roughly a log k factor. Supporting fast matrix-vector multiplication is useful for iterative recovery algorithms which repeatedly multiply by Phi or Phi*. Furthermore, our construction, together with a connection between RIP matrices and the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma in [Krahmer-Ward, SIAM. J. Math. Anal. 2011], implies fast Johnson-Lindenstrauss embeddings with asymptotically fewer rows than previously known. Our approach is a simple twist on previous constructions. Rather than choosing the rows for the embedding matrix to be rows sampled from some larger structured matrix (such as the discrete Fourier transform or a random circulant matrix), we instead choose each row of the embedding matrix to be a linear combination of a small number of rows of the original matrix, with random sign flips as coefficients. The main tool in our analysis is a recent bound for the supremum of certain types of Rademacher chaos processes in [Krahmer-Mendelson-Rauhut, arXiv:1207.0235].

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