Emergent Mind

Queuing with future information

Published Nov 3, 2012 in math.PR , cs.NI , and cs.PF


We study an admissions control problem, where a queue with service rate $1-p$ receives incoming jobs at rate $\lambda\in(1-p,1)$, and the decision maker is allowed to redirect away jobs up to a rate of $p$, with the objective of minimizing the time-average queue length. We show that the amount of information about the future has a significant impact on system performance, in the heavy-traffic regime. When the future is unknown, the optimal average queue length diverges at rate $\sim\log_{1/(1-p)}\frac{1}{1-\lambda}$, as $\lambda\to 1$. In sharp contrast, when all future arrival and service times are revealed beforehand, the optimal average queue length converges to a finite constant, $(1-p)/p$, as $\lambda\to1$. We further show that the finite limit of $(1-p)/p$ can be achieved using only a finite lookahead window starting from the current time frame, whose length scales as $\mathcal{O}(\log\frac{1}{1-\lambda})$, as $\lambda\to1$. This leads to the conjecture of an interesting duality between queuing delay and the amount of information about the future.

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