Emergent Mind

Solving Linear System of Equations Via A Convex Hull Algorithm

Published Oct 29, 2012 in cs.NA , cs.CG , and math.NA


We present new iterative algorithms for solving a square linear system $Ax=b$ in dimension $n$ by employing the {\it Triangle Algorithm} \cite{kal12}, a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme for testing if the convex hull of a finite set of points in a Euclidean space contains a given point. By converting $Ax=b$ into a convex hull problem and solving via the Triangle Algorithm, together with a {\it sensitivity theorem}, we compute in $O(n2\epsilon{-2})$ arithmetic operations an approximate solution satisfying $\Vert Ax\epsilon - b \Vert \leq \epsilon \rho$, where $\rho= \max {\Vert a1 \Vert,..., \Vert an \Vert, \Vert b \Vert }$, and $ai$ is the $i$-th column of $A$. In another approach we apply the Triangle Algorithm incrementally, solving a sequence of convex hull problems while repeatedly employing a {\it distance duality}. The simplicity and theoretical complexity bounds of the proposed algorithms, requiring no structural restrictions on the matrix $A$, suggest their potential practicality, offering alternatives to the existing exact and iterative methods, especially for large scale linear systems. The assessment of computational performance however is the subject of future experimentations.

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