Emergent Mind

Shared Execution of Path Queries on Road Networks

Published Oct 25, 2012 in cs.DB


The advancement of mobile technologies and the proliferation of map-based applications have enabled a user to access a wide variety of services that range from information queries to navigation systems. Due to the popularity of map-based applications among the users, the service provider often requires to answer a large number of simultaneous queries. Thus, processing queries efficiently on spatial networks (i.e., road networks) have become an important research area in recent years. In this paper, we focus on path queries that find the shortest path between a source and a destination of the user. In particular, we address the problem of finding the shortest paths for a large number of simultaneous path queries in road networks. Traditional systems that consider one query at a time are not suitable for many applications due to high computational and service costs. These systems cannot guarantee required response time in high load conditions. We propose an efficient group based approach that provides a practical solution with reduced cost. The key concept for our approach is to group queries that share a common travel path and then compute the shortest path for the group. Experimental results show that our approach is on an average ten times faster than the traditional approach in return of sacrificing the accuracy by 0.5% in the worst case, which is acceptable for most of the users.

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