Emergent Mind


Rice-Golomb codes are widely used in practice to encode integer-valued prediction residuals. However, in lossless coding of audio, image, and video, specially those involving linear predictors, the predictions are from the real domain. In this paper, we have modified and extended the Rice-Golomb code so that it can operate at fractional precision to efficiently exploit the real-valued predictions. Coding at arbitrarily small precision allows the residuals to be modeled with the Laplace distribution instead of its discrete counterpart, namely the two-sided geometric distribution (TSGD). Unlike the Rice-Golomb code, which maps equally probable opposite-signed residuals to different integers, the proposed coding scheme is symmetric in the sense that, at arbitrarily small precision, it assigns codewords of equal length to equally probable residual intervals. The symmetry of both the Laplace distribution and the code facilitates the analysis of the proposed coding scheme to determine the average code-length and the optimal value of the associated coding parameter. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme, by making efficient use of real-valued predictions, achieves better compression as compared to the conventional scheme.

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