Emergent Mind

Conducting Verification And Validation Of Multi- Agent Systems

Published Oct 12, 2012 in cs.SE


Verification and Validation (V&V) is a series of activities, technical and managerial, which performed by system tester not the system developer in order to improve the system quality, system reliability and assure that product satisfies the users operational needs. Verification is the assurance that the products of a particular development phase are consistent with the requirements of that phase and preceding phase(s), while validation is the assurance that the final product meets system requirements. an outside agency can be used to performed V&V, which is indicate by Independent V&V, or IV&V, or by a group within the organization but not the developer, referred to as Internal V&V. Use of V&V often accompanies testing, can improve quality assurance, and can reduce risk. This paper putting guidelines for performing V&V of Multi-Agent Systems (MAS).

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