Emergent Mind

Triadic Consensus: A Randomized Algorithm for Voting in a Crowd

Published Oct 2, 2012 in cs.GT and cs.DS


Typical voting rules do not work well in settings with many candidates. If there are just several hundred candidates, then even a simple task such as choosing a top candidate becomes impractical. Motivated by the hope of developing group consensus mechanisms over the internet, where the numbers of candidates could easily number in the thousands, we study an urn-based voting rule where each participant acts as a voter and a candidate. We prove that when participants lie in a one-dimensional space, this voting protocol finds a $(1-\epsilon/sqrt{n})$ approximation of the Condorcet winner with high probability while only requiring an expected $O(\frac{1}{\epsilon2}\log2 \frac{n}{\epsilon2})$ comparisons on average per voter. Moreover, this voting protocol is shown to have a quasi-truthful Nash equilibrium: namely, a Nash equilibrium exists which may not be truthful, but produces a winner with the same probability distribution as that of the truthful strategy.

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