Emergent Mind

Leveraging information in vehicular parking games

Published Jul 24, 2012 in cs.GT , cs.NI , and physics.soc-ph


Our paper approaches the parking assistance service in urban environments as an instance of service provision in non-cooperative network environments. We propose normative abstractions for the way drivers pursue parking space and the way they respond to partial or complete information for parking demand and supply as well as specific pricing policies on public and private parking facilities. The drivers are viewed as strategic agents who make rational decisions attempting to minimize the cost of the acquired parking spot. We formulate the resulting games as resource selection games and derive their equilibria under different expressions of uncertainty about the overall parking demand. The efficiency of the equilibrium states is compared against the optimal assignment that could be determined by a centralized entity and conditions are derived for minimizing the related price of anarchy value. Our results provide useful hints for the pricing and practical management of on-street and private parking resources. More importantly, they exemplify counterintuitive less-is-more effects about the way information availability modulates the service cost, which underpin general competitive service provision settings and contribute to the better understanding of effective information mechanisms.

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