Emergent Mind


We consider a simple network consisting of a source, a half-duplex DF relay with a buffer, and a destination. We assume that the direct source-destination link is not available and all links undergo fading. We propose two new buffer-aided relaying schemes. In the first scheme, neither the source nor the relay have CSIT, and consequently, both nodes are forced to transmit with fixed rates. In contrast, in the second scheme, the source does not have CSIT and transmits with fixed rate but the relay has CSIT and adapts its transmission rate accordingly. In the absence of delay constraints, for both fixed rate and mixed rate transmission, we derive the throughput-optimal buffer-aided relaying protocols which select either the source or the relay for transmission based on the instantaneous SNRs of the source-relay and the relay-destination links. In addition, for the delay constrained case, we develop buffer-aided relaying protocols that achieve a predefined average delay. Compared to conventional relaying protocols, which select the transmitting node according to a predefined schedule independent of the link instantaneous SNRs, the proposed buffer-aided protocols with adaptive link selection achieve large performance gains. In particular, for fixed rate transmission, we show that the proposed protocol achieves a diversity gain of two as long as an average delay of more than three time slots can be afforded. Furthermore, for mixed rate transmission with an average delay of $E{T}$ time slots, a multiplexing gain of $r=1-1/(2E{T})$ is achieved. Hence, for mixed rate transmission, for sufficiently large average delays, buffer-aided half-duplex relaying with and without adaptive link selection does not suffer from a multiplexing gain loss compared to full-duplex relaying.

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