Emergent Mind

Broccoli: Semantic Full-Text Search at your Fingertips

Published Jul 11, 2012 in cs.IR


We present Broccoli, a fast and easy-to-use search engine for what we call semantic full-text search. Semantic full-text search combines the capabilities of standard full-text search and ontology search. The search operates on four kinds of objects: ordinary words (e.g., edible), classes (e.g., plants), instances (e.g., Broccoli), and relations (e.g., occurs-with or native-to). Queries are trees, where nodes are arbitrary bags of these objects, and arcs are relations. The user interface guides the user in incrementally constructing such trees by instant (search-as-you-type) suggestions of words, classes, instances, or relations that lead to good hits. Both standard full-text search and pure ontology search are included as special cases. In this paper, we describe the query language of Broccoli, the main idea behind a new kind of index that enables fast processing of queries from that language as well as fast query suggestion, the natural language processing required, and the user interface. We evaluated query times and result quality on the full version of the English Wikipedia (40 GB XML dump) combined with the YAGO ontology (26 million facts). We have implemented a fully functional prototype based on our ideas and provide a web application to reproduce our quality experiments. Both are accessible via http://broccoli.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/repro-corr/ .

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