Emergent Mind

Optimal Euclidean spanners: really short, thin and lanky

Published Jul 7, 2012 in cs.DS


In a seminal STOC'95 paper, titled "Euclidean spanners: short, thin and lanky", Arya et al. devised a construction of Euclidean $(1+\eps)$-spanners that achieves constant degree, diameter $O(\log n)$, and weight $O(\log2 n) \cdot \omega(MST)$, and has running time $O(n \cdot \log n)$. This construction applies to $n$-point constant-dimensional Euclidean spaces. Moreover, Arya et al. conjectured that the weight bound can be improved by a logarithmic factor, without increasing the degree and the diameter of the spanner, and within the same running time. This conjecture of Arya et al. became a central open problem in the area of Euclidean spanners. In this paper we resolve the long-standing conjecture of Arya et al. in the affirmative. Specifically, we present a construction of spanners with the same stretch, degree, diameter, and running time, as in Arya et al.'s result, but with optimal weight $O(\log n) \cdot \omega(MST)$. Moreover, our result is more general in three ways. First, we demonstrate that the conjecture holds true not only in constant-dimensional Euclidean spaces, but also in doubling metrics. Second, we provide a general tradeoff between the three involved parameters, which is tight in the entire range. Third, we devise a transformation that decreases the lightness of spanners in general metrics, while keeping all their other parameters in check. Our main result is obtained as a corollary of this transformation.

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