Emergent Mind


The vision of augmenting computing capabilities of mobile devices, especially smartphones with least cost is likely transforming to reality leveraging cloud computing. Cloud exploitation by mobile devices breeds a new research domain called Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC). However, issues like portability and interoperability should be addressed for mobile augmentation which is a non-trivial task using component-based approaches. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a promising design philosophy embraced by mobile computing and cloud computing communities to stimulate portable, complex application using prefabricated building blocks called Services. Utilizing distant cloud resources to host and run Services is hampered by long WAN latency. Exploiting mobile devices in vicinity alleviates long WAN latency, while creates new set of issues like Service publishing and discovery as well as client-server security, reliability, and Service availability. In this paper, we propose a market-oriented architecture based on SOA to stimulate publishing, discovering, and hosting Services on nearby mobiles, which reduces long WAN latency and creates a business opportunity that encourages mobile owners to embrace Service hosting. Group of mobile phones simulate a nearby cloud computing platform. We create new role of \textit{Service host} by enabling unskilled mobile owners/users to host Services developed by skilled developers. Evidently, Service availability, reliability, and Service-oriented mobile application portability will increase towards green ubiquitous computing in our mobile cloud infrastructure.

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