Emergent Mind


Many real networks are embedded in space, where in some of them the links length decay as a power law distribution with distance. Indications that such systems can be characterized by the concept of dimension were found recently. Here, we present further support for this claim, based on extensive numerical simulations for model networks embedded on lattices of dimensions $de=1$ and $de=2$. We evaluate the dimension $d$ from the power law scaling of (a) the mass of the network with the Euclidean radius $r$ and (b) the probability of return to the origin with the distance $r$ travelled by the random walker. Both approaches yield the same dimension. For networks with $\delta < de$, $d$ is infinity, while for $\delta > 2de$, $d$ obtains the value of the embedding dimension $de$. In the intermediate regime of interest $de \leq \delta < 2 de$, our numerical results suggest that $d$ decreases continously from $d = \infty$ to $de$, with $d - de \sim (\delta - de){-1}$ for $\delta$ close to $de$. Finally, we discuss the scaling of the mass $M$ and the Euclidean distance $r$ with the topological distance $\ell$. Our results suggest that in the intermediate regime $de \leq \delta < 2 de$, $M(\ell)$ and $r(\ell)$ do not increase with $\ell$ as a power law but with a stretched exponential, $M(\ell) \sim \exp [A \ell{\delta' (2 - \delta')}]$ and $r(\ell) \sim \exp [B \ell{\delta' (2 - \delta')}]$, where $\delta' = \delta/de$. The parameters $A$ and $B$ are related to $d$ by $d = A/B$, such that $M(\ell) \sim r(\ell)d$. For $\delta < de$, $M$ increases exponentially with $\ell$, as known for $\delta=0$, while $r$ is constant and independent of $\ell$. For $\delta \geq 2de$, we find power law scaling, $M(\ell) \sim \ell{d_\ell}$ and $r(\ell) \sim \ell{1/d_{min}}$, with $d\ell \cdot d{min} = d$.

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