Emergent Mind


Hierarchical parametric models consisting of observable and latent variables are widely used for unsupervised learning tasks. For example, a mixture model is a representative hierarchical model for clustering. From the statistical point of view, the models can be regular or singular due to the distribution of data. In the regular case, the models have the identifiability; there is one-to-one relation between a probability density function for the model expression and the parameter. The Fisher information matrix is positive definite, and the estimation accuracy of both observable and latent variables has been studied. In the singular case, on the other hand, the models are not identifiable and the Fisher matrix is not positive definite. Conventional statistical analysis based on the inverse Fisher matrix is not applicable. Recently, an algebraic geometrical analysis has been developed and is used to elucidate the Bayes estimation of observable variables. The present paper applies this analysis to latent-variable estimation and determines its theoretical performance. Our results clarify behavior of the convergence of the posterior distribution. It is found that the posterior of the observable-variable estimation can be different from the one in the latent-variable estimation. Because of the difference, the Markov chain Monte Carlo method based on the parameter and the latent variable cannot construct the desired posterior distribution.

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