Emergent Mind

0/1 Polytopes with Quadratic Chvatal Rank

Published Apr 20, 2012 in math.CO , cs.CG , and cs.DM


For a polytope P, the Chvatal closure P' is obtained by simultaneously strengthening all feasible inequalities cx <= b (with integral c) to cx <= floor(b). The number of iterations of this procedure that are needed until the integral hull of P is reached is called the Chvatal rank. If P is a subset of [0,1]n, then it is known that O(n2 log n) iterations always suffice (Eisenbrand and Schulz (1999)) and at least (1+1/e-o(1))n iterations are sometimes needed (Pokutta and Stauffer (2011)), leaving a huge gap between lower and upper bounds. We prove that there is a polytope contained in the 0/1 cube that has Chvatal rank Omega(n2), closing the gap up to a logarithmic factor. In fact, even a superlinear lower bound was mentioned as an open problem by several authors. Our choice of P is the convex hull of a semi-random Knapsack polytope and a single fractional vertex. The main technical ingredient is linking the Chvatal rank to simultaneous Diophantine approximations w.r.t. the L1-norm of the normal vector defining P.

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