Emergent Mind


Although GPS has been considered a ubiquitous outdoor localization technology, we are still far from a similar technology for indoor environments. While a number of technologies have been proposed for indoor localization, they are isolated efforts that are way from a true ubiquitous localization system. A ubiquitous indoor positioning system is envisioned to be deployed on a large scale worldwide, with minimum overhead, to work with heterogeneous devices, and to allow users to roam seamlessly from indoor to outdoor environments. Such a system will enable a wide set of applications including worldwide seamless direction finding between indoor locations, enhancing first responders' safety by providing anywhere localization and floor plans, and providing a richer environment for location-aware social networking applications. We describe an architecture for the ubiquitous indoor positioning system (IPS) and the challenges that have to be addressed to materialize it. We then focus on the feasibility of automating the construction of a worldwide indoor floor plan and fingerprint database which, as we believe, is one of the main challenges that limit the existence of a ubiquitous IPS system. Our proof of concept uses a crowd-sourcing approach that leverages the embedded sensors in today's cell phones as a worldwide distributed floor plan generation tool. This includes constructing the floor plans and determining the areas of interest (corridors, offices, meeting rooms, elevators, etc). The cloud computing concepts are also adopted for the processing and storage of the huge amount of data generated and requested by the system's users. Our results show the ability of the system to construct an accurate floor plan and identify the areas of interest with more than 90% accuracy. We also identify different research directions for addressing the challenges of realizing a true ubiquitous IPS system.

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