Emergent Mind

Non-asymptotic Oracle Inequalities for the High-Dimensional Cox Regression via Lasso

Published Apr 9, 2012 in math.ST , stat.ML , and stat.TH


We consider the finite sample properties of the regularized high-dimensional Cox regression via lasso. Existing literature focuses on linear models or generalized linear models with Lipschitz loss functions, where the empirical risk functions are the summations of independent and identically distributed (iid) losses. The summands in the negative log partial likelihood function for censored survival data, however, are neither iid nor Lipschitz. We first approximate the negative log partial likelihood function by a sum of iid non-Lipschitz terms, then derive the non-asymptotic oracle inequalities for the lasso penalized Cox regression using pointwise arguments to tackle the difficulty caused by the lack of iid and Lipschitz property.

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