Emergent Mind


At the present time, computers are employed to solve complex tasks and problems ranging from simple calculations to intensive digital image processing and intricate algorithmic optimization problems to computationally-demanding weather forecasting problems. ASR short for Automatic Speech Recognition is yet another type of computational problem whose purpose is to recognize human spoken speech and convert it into text that can be processed by a computer. Despite that ASR has many versatile and pervasive real-world applications,it is still relatively erroneous and not perfectly solved as it is prone to produce spelling errors in the recognized text, especially if the ASR system is operating in a noisy environment, its vocabulary size is limited, and its input speech is of bad or low quality. This paper proposes a post-editing ASR error correction method based on MicrosoftN-Gram dataset for detecting and correcting spelling errors generated by ASR systems. The proposed method comprises an error detection algorithm for detecting word errors; a candidate corrections generation algorithm for generating correction suggestions for the detected word errors; and a context-sensitive error correction algorithm for selecting the best candidate for correction. The virtue of using the Microsoft N-Gram dataset is that it contains real-world data and word sequences extracted from the web which canmimica comprehensive dictionary of words having a large and all-inclusive vocabulary. Experiments conducted on numerous speeches, performed by different speakers, showed a remarkable reduction in ASR errors. Future research can improve upon the proposed algorithm so much so that it can be parallelized to take advantage of multiprocessor and distributed systems.

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