Emergent Mind

A Szemeredi-Trotter type theorem in $\mathbb{R}^4$

Published Mar 20, 2012 in math.CO and cs.CG


We show that $m$ points and $n$ two-dimensional algebraic surfaces in $\mathbb{R}4$ can have at most $O(m{\frac{k}{2k-1}}n{\frac{2k-2}{2k-1}}+m+n)$ incidences, provided that the algebraic surfaces behave like pseudoflats with $k$ degrees of freedom, and that $m\leq n{\frac{2k+2}{3k}}$. As a special case, we obtain a Szemer\'edi-Trotter type theorem for 2--planes in $\mathbb{R}4$, provided $m\leq n$ and the planes intersect transversely. As a further special case, we obtain a Szemer\'edi-Trotter type theorem for complex lines in $\mathbb{C}2$ with no restrictions on $m$ and $n$ (this theorem was originally proved by T\'oth using a different method). As a third special case, we obtain a Szemer\'edi-Trotter type theorem for complex unit circles in $\mathbb{C}2$. We obtain our results by combining several tools, including a two-level analogue of the discrete polynomial partitioning theorem and the crossing lemma.

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