Emergent Mind

On Exact Algorithms for Permutation CSP

Published Mar 13, 2012 in cs.CC and cs.DS


In the Permutation Constraint Satisfaction Problem (Permutation CSP) we are given a set of variables $V$ and a set of constraints C, in which constraints are tuples of elements of V. The goal is to find a total ordering of the variables, $\pi\ : V \rightarrow [1,...,|V|]$, which satisfies as many constraints as possible. A constraint $(v1,v2,...,vk)$ is satisfied by an ordering $\pi$ when $\pi(v1)<\pi(v2)<...<\pi(vk)$. An instance has arity $k$ if all the constraints involve at most $k$ elements. This problem expresses a variety of permutation problems including {\sc Feedback Arc Set} and {\sc Betweenness} problems. A naive algorithm, listing all the $n!$ permutations, requires $2{O(n\log{n})}$ time. Interestingly, {\sc Permutation CSP} for arity 2 or 3 can be solved by Held-Karp type algorithms in time $O*(2n)$, but no algorithm is known for arity at least 4 with running time significantly better than $2{O(n\log{n})}$. In this paper we resolve the gap by showing that {\sc Arity 4 Permutation CSP} cannot be solved in time $2{o(n\log{n})}$ unless ETH fails.

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