Emergent Mind

On the robustness of random k-cores

Published Mar 9, 2012 in math.CO and cs.DM


The k-core of a graph is its maximal subgraph with minimum degree at least k. In this paper, we address robustness questions about k-cores. Given a k-core, remove one edge uniformly at random and find its new k-core. We are interested in how many vertices are deleted from the original k-core to find the new one. This can be seem as a measure of robustness of the original k-core. We prove that, if the initial k-core is chosen uniformly at random from the k-cores with n vertices and m edges, its robustness depends essentially on its average degree c. We prove that, if c converges to k, then the new k-core is empty with probability 1+o(1). We define a constant c(k)' such that when k+epsilon < c < c(k)'- epsilon, the new k-core is empty with probability bounded away from zero and, if c > c(k)'+ psi with psi = omega(n{-1/4}), psi(n) > 0 and c is bounded, then the probability that the new k-core has less than n-h(n) vertices goes to zero, for every h(n) = omega(1/psi).

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