Emergent Mind

Overview of streaming-data algorithms

Published Mar 9, 2012 in cs.DB and cs.IR


Due to recent advances in data collection techniques, massive amounts of data are being collected at an extremely fast pace. Also, these data are potentially unbounded. Boundless streams of data collected from sensors, equipments, and other data sources are referred to as data streams. Various data mining tasks can be performed on data streams in search of interesting patterns. This paper studies a particular data mining task, clustering, which can be used as the first step in many knowledge discovery processes. By grouping data streams into homogeneous clusters, data miners can learn about data characteristics which can then be developed into classification models for new data or predictive models for unknown events. Recent research addresses the problem of data-stream mining to deal with applications that require processing huge amounts of data such as sensor data analysis and financial applications. For such analysis, single-pass algorithms that consume a small amount of memory are critical.

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