Emergent Mind

Autonomic html interface generator for web applications

Published Feb 11, 2012 in cs.SE


Recent advances in computing systems have led to a new digital era in which every area of life is nearly interrelated with information technology. However, with the trend towards large-scale IT systems, a new challenge has emerged. The complexity of IT systems is becoming an obstacle that hampers the manageability, operability, and maintainability of modern computing infrastructures. Autonomic computing popped up to provide an answer to these ever-growing pitfalls. Fundamentally, autonomic systems are self-configuring, self-healing, self-optimizing, and self-protecting; hence, they can automate all complex IT processes without human intervention. This paper proposes an autonomic HTML web-interface generator based on XML Schema and Style Sheet specifications for self-configuring graphical user interfaces of web applications. The goal of this autonomic generator is to automate the process of customizing GUI web-interfaces according to the ever-changing business rules, policies, and operating environment with the least IT labor involvement. The conducted experiments showed a successful automation of web interfaces customization that dynamically self-adapts to keep with the always-changing business requirements. Future research can improve upon the proposed solution so that it supports the selfconfiguring of not only web applications but also desktop applications.

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