Emergent Mind

Finding the Graph of Epidemic Cascades

Published Feb 8, 2012 in cs.SI , physics.soc-ph , and stat.ML


We consider the problem of finding the graph on which an epidemic cascade spreads, given only the times when each node gets infected. While this is a problem of importance in several contexts -- offline and online social networks, e-commerce, epidemiology, vulnerabilities in infrastructure networks -- there has been very little work, analytical or empirical, on finding the graph. Clearly, it is impossible to do so from just one cascade; our interest is in learning the graph from a small number of cascades. For the classic and popular "independent cascade" SIR epidemics, we analytically establish the number of cascades required by both the global maximum-likelihood (ML) estimator, and a natural greedy algorithm. Both results are based on a key observation: the global graph learning problem decouples into $n$ local problems -- one for each node. For a node of degree $d$, we show that its neighborhood can be reliably found once it has been infected $O(d2 \log n)$ times (for ML on general graphs) or $O(d\log n)$ times (for greedy on trees). We also provide a corresponding information-theoretic lower bound of $\Omega(d\log n)$; thus our bounds are essentially tight. Furthermore, if we are given side-information in the form of a super-graph of the actual graph (as is often the case), then the number of cascade samples required -- in all cases -- becomes independent of the network size $n$. Finally, we show that for a very general SIR epidemic cascade model, the Markov graph of infection times is obtained via the moralization of the network graph.

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