Emergent Mind

Selecting Two-Bit Bit Flipping Algorithms for Collective Error Correction

Published Feb 7, 2012 in cs.IT and math.IT


A class of two-bit bit flipping algorithms for decoding low-density parity-check codes over the binary symmetric channel was proposed in [1]. Initial results showed that decoders which employ a group of these algorithms operating in parallel can offer low error floor decoding for high-speed applications. As the number of two-bit bit flipping algorithms is large, designing such a decoder is not a trivial task. In this paper, we describe a procedure to select collections of algorithms that work well together. This procedure relies on a recursive process which enumerates error configurations that are uncorrectable by a given algorithm. The error configurations uncorrectable by a given algorithm form its trapping set profile. Based on their trapping set profiles, algorithms are selected so that in parallel, they can correct a fixed number of errors with high probability.

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