Emergent Mind

Near-Optimal Expanding Generating Sets for Solvable Permutation Groups

Published Jan 16, 2012 in cs.CC and cs.DM


Let $G =<S>$ be a solvable permutation group of the symmetric group $Sn$ given as input by the generating set $S$. We give a deterministic polynomial-time algorithm that computes an \emph{expanding generating set} of size $\tilde{O}(n2)$ for $G$. More precisely, the algorithm computes a subset $T\subset G$ of size $\tilde{O}(n2)(1/\lambda){O(1)}$ such that the undirected Cayley graph $Cay(G,T)$ is a $\lambda$-spectral expander (the $\tilde{O}$ notation suppresses $\log {O(1)}n$ factors). As a byproduct of our proof, we get a new explicit construction of $\varepsilon$-bias spaces of size $\tilde{O}(n\poly(\log d))(\frac{1}{\varepsilon}){O(1)}$ for the groups $\Zdn$. The earlier known size bound was $O((d+n/\varepsilon2)){11/2}$ given by \cite{AMN98}.

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