Emergent Mind

Well-typed Islands Parse Faster

Published Dec 29, 2011 in cs.PL


This paper addresses the problem of specifying and parsing the syntax of domain-specific languages (DSLs) in a modular, user-friendly way. That is, we want to enable the design of composable DSLs that combine the natural syntax of external DSLs with the easy implementation of internal DSLs. The challenge in parsing composable DSLs is that the composition of several (individually unambiguous) languages is likely to contain ambiguities. In this paper, we present the design of a system that uses a type-oriented variant of island parsing to efficiently parse the syntax of composable DSLs. In particular, we show how type-oriented island parsing is constant time with respect to the number of DSLs imported. We also show how to use our tool to implement DSLs on top of a host language such as Typed Racket.

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