Emergent Mind

Controls over Spreadsheets for Financial Reporting in Practice

Published Nov 29, 2011 in cs.CY


Past studies show that only a small percent of organizations implement and enforce formal rules or informal guidelines for the designing, testing, documenting, using, modifying, sharing and archiving of spreadsheet models. Due to lack of such policies, there has been little research on how companies can effectively govern spreadsheets throughout their life cycle. This paper describes a survey involving 38 participants from the United States, representing companies that were working on compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) as it relates to spreadsheets for financial reporting. The findings of this survey describe specific controls organizations have implemented to manage spreadsheets for financial reporting throughout the spreadsheet's lifecycle. Our findings indicate that there are problems in all stages of a spreadsheet's life cycle and suggest several important areas for future research.

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