Emergent Mind

Towards on-line Ohba's conjecture

Published Nov 23, 2011 in math.CO and cs.DM


The on-line choice number of a graph is a variation of the choice number defined through a two person game. It is at least as large as the choice number for all graphs and is strictly larger for some graphs. In particular, there are graphs $G$ with $|V(G)| = 2 \chi(G)+1$ whose on-line choice numbers are larger than their chromatic numbers, in contrast to a recently confirmed conjecture of Ohba that every graph $G$ with $|V(G)| \le 2 \chi(G)+1$ has its choice number equal its chromatic number. Nevertheless, an on-line version of Ohba conjecture was proposed in [P. Huang, T. Wong and X. Zhu, Application of polynomial method to on-line colouring of graphs, European J. Combin., 2011]: Every graph $G$ with $|V(G)| \le 2 \chi(G)$ has its on-line choice number equal its chromatic number. This paper confirms the on-line version of Ohba conjecture for graphs $G$ with independence number at most 3. We also study list colouring of complete multipartite graphs $K{3\star k}$ with all parts of size 3. We prove that the on-line choice number of $K{3 \star k}$ is at most $3/2k$, and present an alternate proof of Kierstead's result that its choice number is $\lceil (4k-1)/3 \rceil$. For general graphs $G$, we prove that if $|V(G)| \le \chi(G)+\sqrt{\chi(G)}$ then its on-line choice number equals chromatic number.

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