Emergent Mind

Range-limited Centrality Measures in Complex Networks

Published Nov 23, 2011 in physics.soc-ph , cond-mat.stat-mech , cs.DS , and cs.SI


Here we present a range-limited approach to centrality measures in both non-weighted and weighted directed complex networks. We introduce an efficient method that generates for every node and every edge its betweenness centrality based on shortest paths of lengths not longer than $\ell = 1,...,L$ in case of non-weighted networks, and for weighted networks the corresponding quantities based on minimum weight paths with path weights not larger than $w_{\ell}=\ell \Delta$, $\ell=1,2...,L=R/\Delta$. These measures provide a systematic description on the positioning importance of a node (edge) with respect to its network neighborhoods 1-step out, 2-steps out, etc. up to including the whole network. We show that range-limited centralities obey universal scaling laws for large non-weighted networks. As the computation of traditional centrality measures is costly, this scaling behavior can be exploited to efficiently estimate centralities of nodes and edges for all ranges, including the traditional ones. The scaling behavior can also be exploited to show that the ranking top-list of nodes (edges) based on their range-limited centralities quickly freezes as function of the range, and hence the diameter-range top-list can be efficiently predicted. We also show how to estimate the typical largest node-to-node distance for a network of $N$ nodes, exploiting the aforementioned scaling behavior. These observations are illustrated on model networks and on a large social network inferred from cell-phone trace logs ($\sim 5.5\times 106$ nodes and $\sim 2.7\times 107$ edges). Finally, we apply these concepts to efficiently detect the vulnerability backbone of a network (defined as the smallest percolating cluster of the highest betweenness nodes and edges) and illustrate the importance of weight-based centrality measures in weighted networks in detecting such backbones.

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