Emergent Mind

On the Expected Complexity of Random Convex Hulls

Published Nov 22, 2011 in cs.CG


In this paper we present several results on the expected complexity of a convex hull of $n$ points chosen uniformly and independently from a convex shape. (i) We show that the expected number of vertices of the convex hull of $n$ points, chosen uniformly and independently from a disk is $O(n{1/3})$, and $O(k \log{n})$ for the case a convex polygon with $k$ sides. Those results are well known (see \cite{rs-udkhv-63,r-slcdn-70,ps-cgi-85}), but we believe that the elementary proof given here are simpler and more intuitive. (ii) Let $\D$ be a set of directions in the plane, we define a generalized notion of convexity induced by $\D$, which extends both rectilinear convexity and standard convexity. We prove that the expected complexity of the $\D$-convex hull of a set of $n$ points, chosen uniformly and independently from a disk, is $O(n{1/3} + \sqrt{n\alpha(\D)})$, where $\alpha(\D)$ is the largest angle between two consecutive vectors in $\D$. This result extends the known bounds for the cases of rectilinear and standard convexity. (iii) Let $\B$ be an axis parallel hypercube in $\Red$. We prove that the expected number of points on the boundary of the quadrant hull of a set $S$ of $n$ points, chosen uniformly and independently from $\B$ is $O(\log{d-1}n)$. Quadrant hull of a set of points is an extension of rectilinear convexity to higher dimensions. In particular, this number is larger than the number of maxima in $S$, and is also larger than the number of points of $S$ that are vertices of the convex hull of $S$. Those bounds are known \cite{bkst-anmsv-78}, but we believe the new proof is simpler.

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