Emergent Mind

The Half-Duplex AWGN Single-Relay Channel: Full Decoding or Partial Decoding?

Published Nov 9, 2011 in cs.IT and math.IT


This paper compares the partial-decode-forward and the complete-decode-forward coding strategies for the half-duplex Gaussian single-relay channel. We analytically show that the rate achievable by partial-decode-forward outperforms that of the more straightforward complete-decode-forward by at most 12.5%. Furthermore, in the following asymptotic cases, the gap between the partial-decode-forward and the complete-decode-forward rates diminishes: (i) when the relay is close to the source, (ii) when the relay is close to the destination, and (iii) when the SNR is low. In addition, when the SNR increases, this gap, when normalized to the complete-decode-forward rate, also diminishes. Consequently, significant performance improvements are not achieved by optimizing the fraction of data the relay should decode and forward, over simply decoding the entire source message.

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