Emergent Mind


This report describes de design of an experiment that intends to compare two variants of a modeldriven system development method, so as to assess the impact of requirements engineering practice in the quality of the conceptual models. The conceptual modelling method being assessed is the OO-Method [Pastor and Molina 2007]. One of its variants includes Communication Analysis, a communication-oriented requirements engineering method [Espa~na, Gonz\'alez et al. 2009] and a set of guidelines to derive conceptual models from requirements models [Espa~na, Ruiz et al. 2011; Gonz\'alez, Espa~na et al. 2011]. The other variant is an ad-hoc, text-based requirements practice similar to the one that is applied in industrial projects by OO-Method practitioners. The goal of the research, summarised according to the Goal/Question/Metric template [Basili and Rombach 1988], is to: *) analyse the resulting models of two model-based information systems analysis method variants; namely, the OO-Method (OOM) and the integration of Communication Analysis and the OO-Method (CA+OOM), *) for the purpose of carrying out a comparative evaluation *) with respect to performance of the subject and acceptance of the method; *) from the viewpoint of the information systems researcher *) in the context of bachelor students.

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