Emergent Mind

WeSSQoS: A Configurable SOA System for Quality-aware Web Service Selection

Published Oct 25, 2011 in cs.NI and cs.SE


Web Services (WS) have become one the most used technologies nowadays in software systems. Among the challenges when integrating WS in a given system, requirements-driven selection occupies a prominent place. A comprehensive selection process needs to check compliance of Non-Functional Requirements (NFR), which can be assessed by analysing WS Quality of Service (QoS). In this paper, we describe the WeSSQoS system that aims at ranking available WS based on the comparison of their QoS and the stated NFRs. WeSSQoS is designed as an open service-oriented architecture that hosts a configurable portfolio of normalization and ranking algorithms that can be selected by the engineer when starting a selection process. WS' QoS can be obtained either from a static, WSDL-like description, or computed dynamically through monitoring techniques. WeSSQoS is designed to work over multiple WS repositories and QoS sources. The impact of having a portfolio of different normalization and ranking algorithms is illustrated with an example.

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