Emergent Mind

Blind Source Separation with Compressively Sensed Linear Mixtures

Published Oct 12, 2011 in cs.IT and math.IT


This work studies the problem of simultaneously separating and reconstructing signals from compressively sensed linear mixtures. We assume that all source signals share a common sparse representation basis. The approach combines classical Compressive Sensing (CS) theory with a linear mixing model. It allows the mixtures to be sampled independently of each other. If samples are acquired in the time domain, this means that the sensors need not be synchronized. Since Blind Source Separation (BSS) from a linear mixture is only possible up to permutation and scaling, factoring out these ambiguities leads to a minimization problem on the so-called oblique manifold. We develop a geometric conjugate subgradient method that scales to large systems for solving the problem. Numerical results demonstrate the promising performance of the proposed algorithm compared to several state of the art methods.

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