Emergent Mind

Translating Answer-Set Programs into Bit-Vector Logic

Published Aug 30, 2011 in cs.AI and cs.LO


Answer set programming (ASP) is a paradigm for declarative problem solving where problems are first formalized as rule sets, i.e., answer-set programs, in a uniform way and then solved by computing answer sets for programs. The satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) framework follows a similar modelling philosophy but the syntax is based on extensions of propositional logic rather than rules. Quite recently, a translation from answer-set programs into difference logic was providedenabling the use of particular SMT solvers for the computation of answer sets. In this paper, the translation is revised for another SMT fragment, namely that based on fixed-width bit-vector theories. Thus, even further SMT solvers can be harnessed for the task of computing answer sets. The results of a preliminary experimental comparison are also reported. They suggest a level of performance which is similar to that achieved via difference logic.

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