Emergent Mind

Parameterized Complexity of MaxSat Above Average

Published Aug 23, 2011 in cs.CC , cs.DM , and cs.DS


In MaxSat, we are given a CNF formula $F$ with $n$ variables and $m$ clauses and asked to find a truth assignment satisfying the maximum number of clauses. Let $r1,..., rm$ be the number of literals in the clauses of $F$. Then $asat(F)=\sum{i=1}m (1-2{-ri})$ is the expected number of clauses satisfied by a random truth assignment (the truth values to the variables are distributed uniformly and independently). It is well-known that, in polynomial time, one can find a truth assignment satisfying at least $asat(F)$ clauses. In the parameterized problem MaxSat-AA, we are to decide whether there is a truth assignment satisfying at least $asat(F)+k$ clauses, where $k$ is the parameter. We prove that MaxSat-AA is para-NP-complete and, thus, MaxSat-AA is not fixed-parameter tractable unless P$=$NP. This is in sharp contrast to MaxLin2-AA which was recently proved to be fixed-parameter tractable by Crowston et al. (arXiv:1104.1135v3). In fact, we consider a more refined version of {\sc MaxSat-AA}, {\sc Max-$r(n)$-Sat-AA}, where $r_j\le r(n)$ for each $j$. Alon {\em et al.} (SODA 2010) proved that if $r=r(n)$ is a constant, then {\sc Max-$r$-Sat-AA} is fixed-parameter tractable. We prove that {\sc Max-$r(n)$-Sat-AA} is para-NP-complete for $r(n)=\lceil \log n\rceil.$ We also prove that assuming the exponential time hypothesis, {\sc Max-$r(n)$-Sat-AA} is not in XP already for any $r(n)\ge \log \log n +\phi(n)$, where $\phi(n)$ is any unbounded strictly increasing function. This lower bound on $r(n)$ cannot be decreased much further as we prove that {\sc Max-$r(n)$-Sat-AA} is (i) in XP for any $r(n)\le \log \log n - \log \log \log n$ and (ii) fixed-parameter tractable for any $r(n)\le \log \log n - \log \log \log n - \phi(n)$, where $\phi(n)$ is any unbounded strictly increasing function. The proof uses some results on {\sc MaxLin2-AA}.

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