Emergent Mind

On sub-determinants and the diameter of polyhedra

Published Aug 22, 2011 in math.CO and cs.CG


We derive a new upper bound on the diameter of a polyhedron P = {x \in Rn : Ax <= b}, where A \in Z{m\timesn}. The bound is polynomial in n and the largest absolute value of a sub-determinant of A, denoted by \Delta. More precisely, we show that the diameter of P is bounded by O(\Delta2 n4 log n\Delta). If P is bounded, then we show that the diameter of P is at most O(\Delta2 n3.5 log n\Delta). For the special case in which A is a totally unimodular matrix, the bounds are O(n4 log n) and O(n3.5 log n) respectively. This improves over the previous best bound of O(m16 n3 (log mn)3) due to Dyer and Frieze.

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