Emergent Mind


It was noticed by Harel in [Har86] that "one can define $\Sigma11$-complete versions of the well-known Post Correspondence Problem". We first give a complete proof of this result, showing that the infinite Post Correspondence Problem in a regular $\omega$-language is $\Sigma11$-complete, hence located beyond the arithmetical hierarchy and highly undecidable. We infer from this result that it is $\Pi11$-complete to determine whether two given infinitary rational relations are disjoint. Then we prove that there is an amazing gap between two decision problems about $\omega$-rational functions realized by finite state B\"uchi transducers. Indeed Prieur proved in [Pri01, Pri02] that it is decidable whether a given $\omega$-rational function is continuous, while we show here that it is $\Sigma11$-complete to determine whether a given $\omega$-rational function has at least one point of continuity. Next we prove that it is $\Pi_11$-complete to determine whether the continuity set of a given $\omega$-rational function is $\omega$-regular. This gives the exact complexity of two problems which were shown to be undecidable in [CFS08].

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