Emergent Mind


We give a deterministic O(log n)n algorithm for the {\em Shortest Vector Problem (SVP)} of a lattice under {\em any} norm, improving on the previous best deterministic bound of nO(n) for general norms and nearly matching the bound of 2O(n) for the standard Euclidean norm established by Micciancio and Voulgaris (STOC 2010). Our algorithm can be viewed as a derandomization of the AKS randomized sieve algorithm, which can be used to solve SVP for any norm in 2O(n) time with high probability. We use the technique of covering a convex body by ellipsoids, as introduced for lattice problems in (Dadush et al., FOCS 2011). Our main contribution is a deterministic approximation of an M-ellipsoid of any convex body. We achieve this via a convex programming formulation of the optimal ellipsoid with the objective function being an n-dimensional integral that we show can be approximated deterministically, a technique that appears to be of independent interest.

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