Emergent Mind

Dynamic Range Selection in Linear Space

Published Jun 24, 2011 in cs.CG and cs.DS


Given a set $S$ of $n$ points in the plane, we consider the problem of answering range selection queries on $S$: that is, given an arbitrary $x$-range $Q$ and an integer $k > 0$, return the $k$-th smallest $y$-coordinate from the set of points that have $x$-coordinates in $Q$. We present a linear space data structure that maintains a dynamic set of $n$ points in the plane with real coordinates, and supports range selection queries in $O((\lg n / \lg \lg n)2)$ time, as well as insertions and deletions in $O((\lg n / \lg \lg n)2)$ amortized time. The space usage of this data structure is an $\Theta(\lg n / \lg \lg n)$ factor improvement over the previous best result, while maintaining asymptotically matching query and update times. We also present a succinct data structure that supports range selection queries on a dynamic array of $n$ values drawn from a bounded universe.

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