Emergent Mind


The type of business relationships between the Internet autonomous systems (AS) determines the BGP inter-domain routing. Previous works on inferring AS relationships relied on the connectivity information between ASes. In this paper we infer AS relationships by analysing the routing polices of ASes encoded in the BGP attributes Communities and the Locpref. We accumulate BGP data from RouteViews, RIPE RIS and the public Route Servers in August 2010 and February 2011. Based on the routing policies extracted from data of the two BGP attributes, we obtain AS relationships for 39% links in our data, which include all links among the Tier-1 ASes and most links between Tier-1 and Tier-2 ASes. We also reveal a number of special AS relationships, namely the hybrid relationship, the partial-transit relationship, the indirect peering relationship and the backup links. These special relationships are relevant to a better understanding of the Internet routing. Our work provides a profound methodological progress for inferring the AS relationships.

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