Emergent Mind

The BG-simulation for Byzantine Mobile Robots

Published Jun 1, 2011 in cs.DC and cs.RO


This paper investigates the task solvability of mobile robot systems subject to Byzantine faults. We first consider the gathering problem, which requires all robots to meet in finite time at a non-predefined location. It is known that the solvability of Byzantine gathering strongly depends on a number of system attributes, such as synchrony, the number of Byzantine robots, scheduling strategy, obliviousness, orientation of local coordinate systems and so on. However, the complete characterization of the attributes making Byzantine gathering solvable still remains open. In this paper, we show strong impossibility results of Byzantine gathering. Namely, we prove that Byzantine gathering is impossible even if we assume one Byzantine fault, an atomic execution system, the n-bounded centralized scheduler, non-oblivious robots, instantaneous movements and a common orientation of local coordinate systems (where n denote the number of correct robots). Those hypotheses are much weaker than used in previous work, inducing a much stronger impossibility result. At the core of our impossibility result is a reduction from the distributed consensus problem in asynchronous shared-memory systems. In more details, we newly construct a generic reduction scheme based on the distributed BG-simulation. Interestingly, because of its versatility, we can easily extend our impossibility result for general pattern formation problems.

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