Emergent Mind

Approximating subset $k$-connectivity problems

Published May 21, 2011 in cs.DS


A subset $T \subseteq V$ of terminals is $k$-connected to a root $s$ in a directed/undirected graph $J$ if $J$ has $k$ internally-disjoint $vs$-paths for every $v \in T$; $T$ is $k$-connected in $J$ if $T$ is $k$-connected to every $s \in T$. We consider the {\sf Subset $k$-Connectivity Augmentation} problem: given a graph $G=(V,E)$ with edge/node-costs, node subset $T \subseteq V$, and a subgraph $J=(V,EJ)$ of $G$ such that $T$ is $k$-connected in $J$, find a minimum-cost augmenting edge-set $F \subseteq E \setminus EJ$ such that $T$ is $(k+1)$-connected in $J \cup F$. The problem admits trivial ratio $O(|T|2)$. We consider the case $|T|>k$ and prove that for directed/undirected graphs and edge/node-costs, a $\rho$-approximation for {\sf Rooted Subset $k$-Connectivity Augmentation} implies the following ratios for {\sf Subset $k$-Connectivity Augmentation}: (i) $b(\rho+k) + {(\frac{3|T|}{|T|-k})}2 H(\frac{3|T|}{|T|-k})$; (ii) $\rho \cdot O(\frac{|T|}{|T|-k} \log k)$, where b=1 for undirected graphs and b=2 for directed graphs, and $H(k)$ is the $k$th harmonic number. The best known values of $\rho$ on undirected graphs are $\min{|T|,O(k)}$ for edge-costs and $\min{|T|,O(k \log |T|)}$ for node-costs; for directed graphs $\rho=|T|$ for both versions. Our results imply that unless $k=|T|-o(|T|)$, {\sf Subset $k$-Connectivity Augmentation} admits the same ratios as the best known ones for the rooted version. This improves the ratios in \cite{N-focs,L}.

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