Emergent Mind

Dynamic Range Majority Data Structures

Published Apr 28, 2011 in cs.DS and cs.DB


Given a set $P$ of coloured points on the real line, we study the problem of answering range $\alpha$-majority (or "heavy hitter") queries on $P$. More specifically, for a query range $Q$, we want to return each colour that is assigned to more than an $\alpha$-fraction of the points contained in $Q$. We present a new data structure for answering range $\alpha$-majority queries on a dynamic set of points, where $\alpha \in (0,1)$. Our data structure uses O(n) space, supports queries in $O((\lg n) / \alpha)$ time, and updates in $O((\lg n) / \alpha)$ amortized time. If the coordinates of the points are integers, then the query time can be improved to $O(\lg n / (\alpha \lg \lg n) + (\lg(1/\alpha))/\alpha))$. For constant values of $\alpha$, this improved query time matches an existing lower bound, for any data structure with polylogarithmic update time. We also generalize our data structure to handle sets of points in d-dimensions, for $d \ge 2$, as well as dynamic arrays, in which each entry is a colour.

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