Emergent Mind

High Degree Vertices, Eigenvalues and Diameter of Random Apollonian Networks

Published Apr 27, 2011 in cs.SI , cs.DM , math.CO , and physics.soc-ph


In this work we analyze basic properties of Random Apollonian Networks \cite{zhang,zhou}, a popular stochastic model which generates planar graphs with power law properties. Specifically, let $k$ be a constant and $\Delta1 \geq \Delta2 \geq .. \geq \Deltak$ be the degrees of the $k$ highest degree vertices. We prove that at time $t$, for any function $f$ with $f(t) \rightarrow +\infty$ as $t \rightarrow +\infty$, $\frac{t{1/2}}{f(t)} \leq \Delta1 \leq f(t)t{1/2}$ and for $i=2,...,k=O(1)$, $\frac{t{1/2}}{f(t)} \leq \Deltai \leq \Delta{i-1} - \frac{t{1/2}}{f(t)}$ with high probability (\whp). Then, we show that the $k$ largest eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of this graph satisfy $\lambdak = (1\pm o(1))\Deltak{1/2}$ \whp. Furthermore, we prove a refined upper bound on the asymptotic growth of the diameter, i.e., that \whp the diameter $d(Gt)$ at time $t$ satisfies $d(Gt) \leq \rho \log{t}$ where $\frac{1}{\rho}=\eta$ is the unique solution greater than 1 of the equation $\eta - 1 - \log{\eta} = \log{3}$. Finally, we investigate other properties of the model.

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