Emergent Mind

An improved bound on the number of point-surface incidences in three dimensions

Published Apr 26, 2011 in math.CO and cs.CG


We show that $m$ points and $n$ smooth algebraic surfaces of bounded degree in $\mathbb{R}3$ satisfying suitable nondegeneracy conditions can have at most $O(m{\frac{2k}{3k-1}}n{\frac{3k-3}{3k-1}}+m+n)$ incidences, provided that any collection of $k$ points have at most O(1) surfaces passing through all of them, for some $k\geq 3$. In the case where the surfaces are spheres and no three spheres meet in a common circle, this implies there are $O((mn){3/4} + m +n)$ point-sphere incidences. This is a slight improvement over the previous bound of $O((mn){3/4} \beta(m,n)+ m +n)$ for $\beta(m,n)$ an (explicit) very slowly growing function. We obtain this bound by using the discrete polynomial ham sandwich theorem to cut $\mathbb{R}3$ into open cells adapted to the set of points, and within each cell of the decomposition we apply a Turan-type theorem to obtain crude control on the number of point-surface incidences. We then perform a second polynomial ham sandwich decomposition on the irreducible components of the variety defined by the first decomposition. As an application, we obtain a new bound on the maximum number of unit distances amongst $m$ points in $\mathbb{R}3$.

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