Emergent Mind


Cloud computing is rapidly emerging as a new paradigm for delivering IT services as utlity-oriented services on subscription-basis. The rapid development of applications and their deployment in Cloud computing environments in efficient manner is a complex task. In this article, we give a brief introduction to Cloud computing technology and Platform as a Service, we examine the offerings in this category, and provide the basis for helping readers to understand basic application platform opportunities in Cloud by technologies such as Microsoft Azure, Sales Force, Google App, and Aneka for Cloud computing. We demonstrate that Manjrasoft Aneka is a Cloud Application Platform (CAP) leveraging these concepts and allowing an easy development of Cloud ready applications on a Private/Public/Hybrid Cloud. Aneka CAP offers facilities for quickly developing Cloud applications and a modular platform where additional services can be easily integrated to extend the system capabilities, thus being at pace with the rapidly evolution of Cloud computing.

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