Emergent Mind

A Large Family of Multi-path Dual Congestion Control Algorithms

Published Apr 19, 2011 in cs.NI


The goal of traffic management is efficiently utilizing network resources via adapting of source sending rates and routes selection. Traditionally, this problem is formulated into a utilization maximization problem. The single-path routing scheme fails to react to instantaneous network congestion. Multi-path routing schemes thus have been proposed aiming at improving network efficiency. Unfortunately, the natural optimization problem to consider is concave but not strictly concave. It thus brings a huge challenge to design stable multi-path congestion control algorithms. In this paper, we propose a generalized multi-path utility maximization model to consider the problem of routes selection and flow control, and derive a family of multi-path dual congestion control algorithms. We show that the proposed algorithms are stable in the absence of delays. We also derive decentralized and scalable sufficient conditions for a particular scheme when propagation delays exist in networks. Simulations are implemented using both Matlab and NS2, on which evaluation of the proposed multi-path dual algorithms is exerted. The comparison results, between the proposed algorithms and the other two existing algorithms, show that the proposed multi-path dual algorithms with appropriate parameter settings can achieve a stable aggregated throughput while maintaining fairness among the involved users.

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